[MLE] SC comparative research in B'desh
Dear MLE friends,
First of all a happy new year to you all. May 2011 bring improvement to the education situation of the many deprived children in South Asia!
"We need more research, more proof!" is what we often hear. Save the Children in Bangladesh did some research on the impact of an MLE project in the hill tribes. They published it in a 12 page report titled: "Getting ready for school in the Chittagong Hill Tracts: A comparative analysis of mother-tongue- and national-language-based preschools in Adivasi communities".
A few lines from the concluding paragraph:
Here is the report: http://www.seameo.org/LanguageMDGConference2010/doc/presentations/day2/ElizabethPearce-GowriVijayakumar-MeherunNahar-sn.pdf. Thanks for the tip to Pam Mackenzie.
Karsten van Riezen
Education Consultant, SIL Int.
SIL, South Asia Group
LinkedIn Profile
Recommended website: http://www.nmrc-jnu.org/
First of all a happy new year to you all. May 2011 bring improvement to the education situation of the many deprived children in South Asia!
"We need more research, more proof!" is what we often hear. Save the Children in Bangladesh did some research on the impact of an MLE project in the hill tribes. They published it in a 12 page report titled: "Getting ready for school in the Chittagong Hill Tracts: A comparative analysis of mother-tongue- and national-language-based preschools in Adivasi communities".
A few lines from the concluding paragraph:
"Despite all of these limitations, it is clear from the study that SKPÃs mother-tongue-based preschools do offer children a significant advantage. SKP children have better quantitative, communicative, and environmental skills than their peers. On average, children learning in a MT setting outperformed their non-MT peers by 10 percentage points on a general school readiness assessment and 5 percentage points on an assessment of concepts about print. (...) "
Here is the report: http://www.seameo.org/LanguageMDGConference2010/doc/presentations/day2/ElizabethPearce-GowriVijayakumar-MeherunNahar-sn.pdf. Thanks for the tip to Pam Mackenzie.
Karsten van Riezen
Education Consultant, SIL Int.
SIL, South Asia Group
LinkedIn Profile
Recommended website: http://www.nmrc-jnu.org/
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