[MLE] Language and education related references

Dear Interest group,
Below a few more references to interesting papers/books and web articles.

Karsten van Riezen
Education Consultant, SIL Int.
SIL, South Asia Group.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 06 July 2006 04:56
Subject: Literati Vol 7 No 2, July 2006
* A "MUST Read" . . . UNESCO publication: "Languages and Literacies," by
Clinton Robinson http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001461/146104e.pdf
* "Cultural Survival: Promoting the Rights, Voices, and Visions of
Indigenous People"
* "Literacy and Education Among Indigenous Groups of Brazil: A Brief Summary
of SIL-Brazil's Philosophy for Indigenous Education" at:
* The AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics) has
established a Research Network on Language Policy, open to any AILA member
conducting research or teaching in the fields of language policy and
management. A Google Group for announcements and discussion can be found
at: http://groups.google.com/group/LPREN
* Handbook for Literacy and Non-formal Education Facilitators in Africa
This handbook constitutes the first step towards developing a holistic
regional resource for non-formal education personnel in Africa. It is a
basic guide for responding to the specific needs of learners and promoting
knowledge and skills in the fields of reading, writing and numeracy. It can
be downloaded at http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001446/144656e.pdf
(1.8 MB)
* The 4th edition of Colin Baker's Foundations of Bilingual Education and
Bilingualism is now available. It contains an updated overview of recent
developments in the field of bilingualism. New additions include effective
practices, heritage language education, the recent politics of bilingual
education, the spread of English as a global language, endangered languages,
and language planning. Order from http://www.multilingual-matters.com/
* Sadoski, Mark. 2004. Conceptual foundations of teaching reading. NY:
Guilford Press. International Literacy Consultant Diana Weber gives this
book a five-star rating: "I am using this in Literacy Principles for
Translators, the Literacy Megacourse, and giving it as gifts. We had it
translated into Spanish and it has now been taught three times." This book
provides a clear and concise conceptual map to guide anyone involved with
literacy through the often-confusing terrain of reading instruction.
* Dekker, Diane and Catherine Young. 2005. Bridging the Gap: The Development
of Appropriate Educational Strategies for Minority Language Communities in
the Philippines. Current Issues in Language Planning 6 ( 2
) 182-200.
This article includes an overview on language policy and planning in the
Philippines and a case study of the Lubuagan multilingual education
programme--the context and process of implementation of a multilingual
education programme by Diane Dekker and teachers from the Philippines
Department of Education. Information about the journal and an abstract of
the article can be found at this website:
An article by Kimmo Kosonen, MSEA, is in the same journal:
* Kosonen, Kimmo. 2005. Vernaculars in Literacy and Basic Education in
Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Current Issues in Language Planning 6 ( 2 )
* Young, Catherine. 2005. First Language Education: Quality Education for
All. Linguistics and Language Education in the Philippines and Beyond, ed.
by Danilo T. Dayag and J. Stephen Quakenbush. Manila: Linguistic Society of
the Philippines.
This article was originally presented at the 20th World Congress on Reading
held in Manila, Philippines from July 26-29, 2004. It addresses issues of
policy development in the Philippines and across Asia in relation to the
UNESCO International Literacy Decade and international declarations on
linguistic and educational rights of members of minority language